Saturday, February 21, 2009


I think mushrooms are heart-smart, right?

To my surprise and delight, there were mushroom farmers at the Farmers' Market today. This past summer, I discovered shiitake mushrooms, but since I can never remember their name, I just call them the "S mushrooms". Luckily, they had the "S mushrooms" and so I got some. They cost $4 for 1/4 pound...I have no idea if this is reasonable or not, but they did taste the awesome. I made locavore pizza tonight--cheese from a local cheesemaker in Tecumseh, crust with Westwind whole wheat flour, sauce using frozen sauce from my tomatoes and freshened up with the last of my dried oregano, toppings from my frozen red peppers (from my garden!), the 'shrooms, frozen spinach (from the market) [store-bought ham was on there too, but just for Jeff]--and I must say that the 'shrooms were really a nice treat. They had the nice, earthy taste that you'd except from fungi. Once I refamiliarized myself with their taste, I was delighted. Topped the dinner off with Bell's Best Brown ale and I'm a happy girl.

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