In the spirit of keeping our blogs active month after month, year after year, the February challenge was to post on the topic of indispensable kitchen tools. Six bloggers tell tales on well-loved and much-used gadgets ranging from small (garlic press) to large (gas oven) -- read on for the details!
- Feeling the spirit of Valentine's Day, Mom of Mother's Kitchen posted about her complicated relationships with many kitchen gadgets over the years. She sure gets around! (If you look closely in the comments, you'll spot an ode to a potato masher!)
- Jessica in Ann Arbor limited herself to two of her favorite things.
- Shayne in Novi tells us about two items she was sure to take along when she was living in Mexico, and a new one she brought back!
- Linda in Rochester limited herself to one low-tech tool.
- Anne in a northern Detroit suburb tells us about 3 categories of tools (including one that she takes along on vacation!).
- And I list three (or is it 4? not sure if I'm counting the ruler), which bring us back to the Kitchen Aid stand mixer which first appeared in Mom's blog.
That gives us a total of 20 indispensables - including two mentions each of garlic press, citrus/lemon reamer/juicer, and Kitchen Aid stand mixers. What are your most essential kitchen items? Leave a note in the comments. (And if I managed to overlook anybody, tell me and I'll add you to the round-up.)
What will March bring? (other than the inevitable thaw, lots of mud, more snow - and 31 days to cook, buy, eat, muse over, and blog about food!)